Free standard shipping above €50

Order before 10pm = same day shipment

Order before 10PM = same day shipment

For every woman, every skin type

Ihr Warenkorb

Ihr Warenkorb ist derzeit leer.


1. Definitions

1.1. In these general terms and conditions, Feathers BV uses the following terms in the meanings set out below:

Order: the order placed by you via FEATHER WOMENS Website; 

You/You(w): the natural person (consumer) who uses the Website and/or purchases Products through the Website;

Gift card(s): the gift card(s) issued by FEATHER WOMEN;

Agreement: the agreement whereby you purchase Products through the Website; 

Product(s): the FEATHER WOMEN branded Products offered by FEATHER WOMEN on its Website;

FEATHER WOMEN/we/our/our: the private company with limited liability Feathers BV, with its registered office in (1019 AJ) Amsterdam at Cruquiusweg 94 E, with its physical office at Cruiquiusweg 94 F (1019 AJ) in Amsterdam, registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 80878423, which can be reached by e-mail at

Terms and Conditions: these general terms and conditions;

Website: the website of FEATHER WOMEN, variants thereof.

2. Agreement between you and FEATHER WOMEN

2.1. These Terms and Conditions apply to your use of the FEATHER WOMEN Website, any offer made by FEATHER WOMEN and to any concluded Agreement.

2.2. Before the conclusion of the Agreement, the text of these Terms and Conditions will be made available to you via the Website and the Terms and Conditions can be downloaded from the Website at any time. 

2.3. All offers made by FEATHER WOMEN, whether verbally, in writing or by telephone, are without obligation, unless FEATHER WOMEN has expressly included a deadline for acceptance. The Website therefore does not contain binding offers, unless otherwise stated.

2.4. Offers by FEATHER WOMEN are based on information provided by you, and you guarantee that this information is correct. An Agreement is established by a written or electronic confirmation from FEATHER WOMEN. 

2.5. FEATHER WOMEN collects and processes your personal data in line with our privacy and cookie statement.

2.6. FEATHER WOMEN is allowed to unilaterally amend these Terms and Conditions. In that case, the amended terms shall also apply to existing Agreements between you and FEATHER WOMEN. If the amendment of essential terms and conditions is to your disadvantage, you have the right to terminate the Agreement with FEATHER WOMEN without costs or compensation within 14 days after FEATHER WOMEN has informed you of the new terms and conditions, subject to 14 days' notice.

3. Orders
3.1. By placing an Order on the Website you agree to these Terms and Conditions. In principle, you will receive an order confirmation immediately after placing the Order. Then (except in case of pre-orders) you will receive an email when your Order is shipped.

3.2. To place an Order, you must have an email address. It is possible to order as an existing customer or as a guest. 

3.3. Once you have received a confirmation email, you have 4 hours during working hours (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) to cancel or change your Order by contacting our customer service. The cancellation and amendment options may differ in case of (temporary) promotions and actions. Please refer to our Website for such specific cases. Thereafter, the Order cannot be changed.

3.4. FEATHER WOMEN reserves the right to change an Order.

3.5. In the unlikely event that an Order cannot be delivered, you will be informed as soon as possible. If the Order has already been paid for, an attempt will be made to refund the payment via the payment method you used. If the refund has to be made in another way, FEATHER WOMEN will inform you of this and ask you to contact the customer service department which will handle the refund.

3.6. The Order confirmation will show your total price, including taxes and shipping costs. This is when the Agreement comes into effect.

3.7. Whether an Order can be delivered is subject to availability. We may cancel the Order, inter alia, if: the Product is not available, the (packaging) materials or raw materials are not available, if the (invoice) details provided by you are not correct or verifiable, if it is an unusual Order, if you are under 16 years of age, if payment is not made on time or due to (other) events or circumstances beyond our control fall.

3.8. FEATHER WOMEN reserves the right to suspend fulfilment of its obligations in case of force majeure. This is the case in any case if FEATHER WOMEN can not reasonably be expected to continue fulfilling its obligation(s) as a result of a certain circumstance or event, even if this circumstance could have been foreseen when the Agreement was concluded. Force majeure includes in any case (non-exhaustive): storm damage and other natural disasters, lockouts, call-outs or danger of war, illness of irreplaceable employees, force majeure and/or non (timely) performance by FEATHER WOMENS supplier(s), fire and other accidents in the company as well as all governmental measures taken or issued and in general all circumstances beyond FEATHER WOMENS sphere of influence.

3.9. The composition of the Products as stated on the Website are only guide values and may vary, also in view of possible changes in packaging materials, new regulations, the availability of ingredients and raw materials, developments in the Products themselves and because the (raw materials of the) Products may originate from different suppliers. Furthermore, the displayed colour and material of the Products depends on various factors, such as screen quality, use of a telephone, desktop or tablet and various environmental factors. Obvious mistakes or obvious errors in the offer on the Website do not bind FEATHER WOMEN.

4. Payment and prices

4.1. Prices and tariffs communicated by FEATHER WOMEN via the Website or otherwise are inclusive of VAT, packaging costs and other taxes and or levies that are (possibly) levied on the Products, but exclusive of delivery and transport costs and exclusive of import and export costs related to the delivery of Products outside the EU. 

4.2. If after the start date of the Agreement one or more cost price factors undergo an increase, FEATHER WOMEN may increase the agreed price. This is the case, for example, if taxes are increased or purchase prices for FEATHER WOMEN increase significantly. If there is a price increase, you can dissolve the Agreement.

5. Delivery and retention of title

5.1. All deadlines communicated by FEATHER WOMEN for Products to be delivered by it are indicative. They are not deadlines. If the (delivery) period communicated by FEATHER WOMEN is exceeded, FEATHER WOMEN will inform you as soon as possible. If the deadline is exceeded by more than 4 weeks from the time you receive the order confirmation by e-mail, you have the right to cancel the purchase and receive a refund of the purchase price.

5.2. Shipping and transport of the Products to you will take place at the risk of FEATHER WOMEN. The risk transfers when you or a third party designated by you accept the Order. This also means that FEATHER WOMEN is no longer responsible for the Products once you have received them. Circumstances occurring after the Products have been delivered - such as accidental damage, loss or theft of the Products - are exclusively at your risk. FEATHER WOMEN may deliver the Order in several parts.

5.3. You are obliged to take delivery of the Products at the time they are made available to you. 

5.4. If you do not (timely) pay FEATHER WOMEN the costs due, FEATHER WOMEN reserves the right to refuse delivery of the Products until you have paid all amounts due, without prejudice (and therefore not instead of) other rights under the law or the Agreement.

5.5. All Products delivered by FEATHER WOMEN remain the property of FEATHER WOMEN until all claims FEATHER WOMEN has or obtains against you under Agreements (including any related (collection) costs and interest) have been paid in full.

6. The right of withdrawal

6.1. You may dissolve your Order from the date you placed the Order until 14 days after receipt of the ordered Products without giving any reason, except for the cases mentioned in 6.2 and 6.7 below. This cooling-off period starts on the day of receipt of the last Product of the Order. The Product has been received when it has been accepted by you or a third party on your behalf or when it has been accepted by a parcel collection point.

6.2. Notwithstanding 6.1, you can only dissolve the Order of one (or more) Gift Card(s) within 14 days after the conclusion of the Agreement, regardless of whether you have already received the Gift Card(s). The Agreement comes into effect as soon as FEATHER WOMEN confirms the Order of a Gift Card.

6.3. If you wish to exercise the right of withdrawal, FEATHER WOMEN asks you to notify our customer service department at the following e-mail address

6.4. The Products you wish to return must be returned to FEATHER WOMEN within 14 days after invoking the right of withdrawal. The costs of returning (part of) the Order will be borne by you.

6.5. FEATHER WOMEN guarantees a full refund of actually returned Products, excluding return costs, provided that all Products are returned in the same unused condition as they were upon receipt. This means that the Products must not have been damaged, soiled, altered or used and that the hygiene safeguards, seals, labels, tags or price tags have not been removed. The Products must be complete, including all parts and accessories.

6.6. FEATHER WOMEN endeavours to refund the money as soon as possible and in the same way you paid, no later than 14 days after receipt of your invocation of the right of withdrawal, provided that FEATHER WOMEN has received the Products, or proof that the Products were returned. An alternative payment method may be used for the refund if you authorise it. This will not incur any additional charges. If you have paid with a Gift Card, you will receive a new digital Gift Card as a refund.

6.7. The right of withdrawal does not apply to Products that have been sealed and are not suitable to be returned for reasons of hygiene or health protection and Products of which the seal has been broken after delivery. 

6.8. During the reflection period as mentioned in article 6.1 of these Terms and Conditions, you should handle the Product and its packaging with care. You may only unpack or use the Product to the extent necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Product. The basic principle here is that you may only handle and inspect the Product as you would be allowed to do in a shop. If you fail to do so, you will be liable for any diminished value of the Product.

7. Warranty

7.1. FEATHER WOMEN guarantees that the Products comply with the Agreement, the specifications mentioned in the offer, the reasonable requirements of soundness and/or usability and the legal provisions and/or government regulations existing on the date of the conclusion of the Agreement. 

7.2. Any defects in the Products or circumstances as a result of which the Products do not comply with the Agreement must be reported in writing to FEATHER WOMEN within a reasonable period of time but at the latest within 2 months of discovery at the following e-mail address:
FEATHER WOMEN wishes to receive complaints as soon as possible so that we can offer you the best possible service.

7.3. Any claim in respect of a delivered Product lapses if: 

(a) there are signs of use, discolouration and/or normal wear and tear as a result of use of the Product;

b) you have repaired and/or modified the delivered Products yourself or had them repaired and/or modified by third parties;

c) the Products have been exposed to abnormal conditions or otherwise used carelessly or contrary to the instructions of FEATHER WOMEN and/or have been used or treated on the packaging

d) the Products cannot be identified as originating from FEATHER WOMEN;

e) external causes occur after delivery which result in damage or loss of the Products, such as accidents, loss or theft.

7.4. FEATHER WOMEN provides a warranty on the Products it supplies for material and manufacturing defects for a period of two (2) years after delivery, which means that FEATHER WOMEN will repair defects on the supplied Products at its expense or - if FEATHER WOMEN considers it necessary - replace the Product. The foregoing does not affect the warranty to which you are entitled under the law. 

7.5. FEATHER WOMEN expressly does not guarantee that the expressions and information on the Website is/are complete and/or correct. The information on the Website is intended as general information and does not contain advice unless explicitly stated otherwise. FEATHER WOMEN strives to keep the Website up-to-date, but makes no representation that the Website is complete, accurate, reliable, accessible or suitable for any purpose. If you use the information on the Website, you do so entirely at your own expense and risk.

8. Intellectual property rights

8.1. FEATHER WOMEN has and retains all (intellectual) (property) rights in respect of all Products and all content and materials on the Website.

8.2. All names, brands, logos and titles used on the Website are trademarks or trade names of FEATHER WOMEN or third parties. Their use or reproduction is absolutely not allowed as it may infringe intellectual property rights (of third parties).

9. Website

9.1. By using the Website, you agree to these general (terms of) use. The Website may only be used for private purposes. It is prohibited to use the Website for any commercial purpose or purpose. 

9.2. You are only allowed to use the Website for the purpose of possibly placing an Order and/or contacting FEATHER WOMEN. All content and materials made available by FEATHER WOMEN via the Website are the exclusive property of FEATHER WOMEN. It is therefore prohibited to use the content and materials for any other purpose. 

9.3. You are prohibited from copying, documenting, sharing, adapting, distributing, reproducing or otherwise using the content and materials on the Website in any way that causes any third party to access them.

9.4. The Website may contain links to external websites. FEATHER WOMEN stresses that FEATHER WOMEN has no control over the layout or content of those external websites and expressly distances itself from the layout and content on any third party website.

10. Dispatch 

10.1. FEATHER WOMEN tries to process Orders as quickly as possible and in order of receipt. We aim to deliver within 1 to 3 working days after confirmation of an Order. Although we strive to deliver within the specified time frame, delays may occur due to unexpected events. More information on the various shipping options can be found on our Website. 

10.2. We hereby emphasise that we are dependent on the relevant delivery service for the time of dispatch and that we cannot exert any influence on this. 

10.3. We deliver our Products anywhere in the world. Any possible (additional) customs costs are not reimbursed by FEATHER WOMEN.

11. Payment methods

11.1. You can pay for your items in various ways. For more information on the payment options, please refer to our Website. 

11.2. If you do not fulfil your payment obligation(s) in time, after FEATHER WOMEN has informed you of the late payment and has granted you a period of 14 days to still fulfil your payment obligations, FEATHER WOMEN has the right to charge you the statutory interest on the outstanding amount and the extrajudicial collection costs incurred by FEATHER WOMEN if payment is not made within this 14-day period.

12. Disputes and applicable law

12.1. If you have a complaint, FEATHER WOMEN asks you to contact us first at If your complaint is not dealt with to your satisfaction, you can use the ODR platform (, but this is not an obligation. 

12.2. Contracts between you and FEATHER WOMEN governed by these Terms and Conditions shall be governed exclusively by Dutch law. The Vienna Sales Convention (CISG) does not apply.